Author Archives: Catherine Perreira

Writing or updating your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume is a right of passage for any potential jobseeker. It is an important document that presents your education, skills.

Here are some resume writing tips that will make your resume stand out amongst fellow candidates.

Constructing the resume. Firstly, a cover letter should accompany your resume that introduces you to the intended recipient. In crafting your resume, it would be helpful to use a professional resume template. (See some below to reference.) This guide will get you started in terms of layout and presents your information in a logical order. This template can also be a resource when it comes to customizing your resume.

Tip: write a custom resume for each job application. Never send the same application to multiple companies.

Formatting. Ensure there are no unnecessary spaces in your CV. Spacing should be kept consistent throughout. Try keeping your CV to 2 pages. Check your formatting of your CV before submitting to the recruiter or potential employer. Ensure your font size is consistent throughout and number the pages.

What to put in the CV.

Work Experience- keep it recent and relevant. Your resume should be a high-level summary of your relevant professional accomplishments. List achievements, experiences, and positions that closely align with the jobs you’re applying for. Use strong action verbs and concrete nouns to demonstrate action and competency. Avoid copying and pasting your job description. Include your key duties and responsibilities.

Education. No need to list every paper and grade completed in graduate and post graduate. Employers need to see: Degree, institution and year completed or year started and expected completion date (include continuing or online education in this section). This shows your determination and motivation to continue acquiring skills needed for your career.

Show some personality. Include your interests in your resume to show some of the activities you do in your free time or organisations you are affiliated with.

References. It is important to approach the right people who are credible for your recommendations: former employers, managers, peers, customers, and clients. Recruiters and HR professionals contact your listed references as proof of your work experience and connections, so choose wisely.

Resume templates links


If you need more details contact us at or (868) 222-6911.

As a result of COVID-19, some of us are working remotely. Being confined to home, social distancing and constantly washing our hands has become the “new normal”. Yet, we need to maintain a work-life balance when working from home.

Here are some activities one can partake in to do something fun and not work related.

  • Learn a new language. Being able to communicate in another language can open a world of opportunities. New friends, travel or even employment. On the job front, it gives one the competitive edge amongst their peers as knowing another language is considered a skill. This time presents a unique opportunity to learn a language and to connect personal as well as professionally with people in online spaces.


  • Host a watch party with family and friends. Friends and family are connecting online and hosting watch parties for their collective favourite shows or movies. Netflix, Disney + and other streaming services are uploading new releases and even entire series of classics. Pop some popcorn, wear something comfortable, relax and enjoy the show with those dearest to you.


  • Hone your cooking skills. The pandemic has changed the way we plan or even cook our meals. Take this time to sharpen your skills and perfect delicious dishes. Cooking may seem daunting but one key tip is preparing your ingredients beforehand can make the experience less overwhelming. Also, check out your favourite celebrity chefs or foodie influencers youtube channels for recipes or even cook a meal with a friend to see who is truly the master chef.


  • Plant a home garden. You don’t need much space to start gardening. Firstly, choose the right location where there is adequate sunlight and the soil is moist. Start off small and simple by planting seasoning, herbs, lettuce or pimento peppers. Set aside days that you will be gardening so that you can tend to your crops. You will be proud when you pick fresh ingredients that you grew from your garden to cook for the family.


  • Get crafty. You always wanted to paint a feature wall in your living room or make your own natural soap and candles. Crave out time in your week to work on any project that will get your creativity flowing and your hands working. There are many online tutorials to assist in turning a novice into an expert.


  • Take an online dance class. Since we are all indoors, this is a great way to remain physically active while simultaneously spending time with the whole family. Hip Hop, Jazz, Modern, Soca, Dancehall or Afrobeats are some of the dances genres one can do. Make it interesting by allowing each family member to choose the style of dance for a particular week thus everyone can learn something new and get out of their comfort zone.


  • Time to meditate. Taking care of your mind is important. So find time during the day to meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. Some say the morning is the best time to meditate because there are fewer distractions but it all depends on your schedule. Meditation is one of the best ways to help you find a sense of calmness and clarity, reduce stress, promote healthy, restful sleep and increase focus. So schedule it in and meditate away!

Meet Johanna Thomas, a Public Relations Professional and avid film enthusiast whose marketing and social media internship with CRS ignited her desire to pursue a career in Digital Marketing.

How is your internship experience going?

It has been extremely productive and has invigorated my desire to further explore Digital Marketing and Communication as a career.  The opportunity to assist CRS in their Social Media content creation and management has challenged me to become more expressive, creative and authentic. Social media is always evolving and the chance to work in this field,  with CRS and fellow interns has been an amazing experience.

What are you studying and why?

I’m currently a 3rd year student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and a Minor in Film Studies. I have worked in the field of Communication & Public Relations and wanted to further my studies. I enjoy watching films and wanted to deepen my knowledge in cinema but mainly Caribbean Cinema. I believe we have amazing stories to tell and I would like to assist filmmakers or anyone  in the promotion of their ideas or concepts.

Share your projects, ideas and what you want to achieve.

I want to achieve 1st Class Honors in Communication Studies with a minor in Film Studies  and graduate in 2021.  To become certified in Social Media Management is a goal, so I want to attain a certification from Hubspot Academy or any accredited institution. I want to work in a production company or state agency using Digital Marketing and Public Relations to promote projects or ideas for creatives. Being part of a production team that makes a film, is also a project worth pursuing. I would also love to own a company that produces and sells local juices.

We enjoy chatting about communities a lot and we would be keen to know what you think you would like to do with regards to your community and interests.

I would love to see more activities geared towards Youth Development. I was involved in an Arts Programme in my community that introduced me to photography, film & singing and this propelled me to study communications and film. I also became a member of  The Marionettes Chorale due to my involvement in that Arts Programme , so I would like to see similar initiatives that  allow youth to learn and develop holistically.

What advice would you leave with future interns about doing a volunteer internship during the vacation period?

During this unforeseen time, opportunities such as internships like this are hard to come by. However, once selected absorb as much information, network, take any free and online courses but also put what is learnt into practice. Being able to work remotely and still receive hands-on experience during the vacation period can give one the edge needed to secure employment or stand out amongst your fellow colleagues.

CRS Recruitment in Guyana
Our social media and marketing intern, Futima Fraser met up with our General Manager, Mariska Seereeram to learn more about our company CRS and how we are shaping our space in the recruitment industry in the Caribbean and now in Guyana.

Adapting to new climates

When it comes to talent recruitment and building business relationships, Caribbean Resourcing Solutions (CRS) aims to always be accessible and adaptable. CRS prides itself on being the premier Caribbean based agency specifically for technical recruitment, and in keeping with their vision of supplying candidates to all of the Caribbean, they have taken a proactive approach when it comes to entering the oil and gas industry in Guyana.

General Manager, Mariska Seereeram said,

“One of the key things for CRS is to let companies know that they continue to evolve in facilitating processes virtually and are able to operate remotely.”

Supporting local in Guyana

CRS shows a real take-charge attitude in supporting the local businesses in Guyana, CRS is very driven towards local firms and cares for their livelihood. In a statement, Ms Seereeram said, “It’s keeping up to date and informed with developments in Guyana and how these companies would be affected and developing solutions beforehand. Building a partnership with local organisations is also key.” There’s no doubt that businesses who choose to collaborate with CRS, will be in great hands.

As CRS embarks on this new venture in Guyana, you may be wondering if anyone from around the world, including locals can join their database of candidates? Well it’s now easier and more accessible than you thought. Once applicants apply and send their information to CRS and it’s received, they contact the candidate and get an understanding for what they are looking for.

Maintaining relationships

“I believe that’s what sets us apart from the competition – we get on a personal level with candidates. This is also a plus for our clients whereby we are sending candidates that have a skillset that we understand fully and we know will be ideally suited. So expectations between clients and candidates are aligned.” says Mariska. This demonstrates the kind of meaningful relationships CRS cultivates between employers and employees.

As it pertains to Covid-19, there have been some challenges, but recruitment is not one of them. CRS has been able to adapt and also help companies adapt to the virtual world as communication is key in this time. Though the borders may be closed and business at a stand still, CRS is committed to helping companies evolve and find alternatives.

CRS has a track record that proves they have what it takes to support companies and create lasting relationships.

Due to their forward thinking, they have established, through their registered office, partnerships with local firms in Guyana. They are determined to make this current endeavor a success. Through these times CRS stresses the importance of adaptability and continues to make themselves accessible to all the world.

Author: Futima Fraser

Meet Futima Fraser, a budding interior designer and future entrepreneur who shares her experience on our remote internship program.

This year CRS launched it’s first July/August vacation Caribbean remote internship in partnership with business outsourcing firm, Aegis Business Solutions’ and fellow recruitment agencies – Eve Anderson Recruitment and Professional Resourcing Solutions.

How is your internship experience going?

I have learnt so much and grown as a person. My favourite part about this whole experience is meeting so many inspiring and hardworking people. Aside from the Managers and employees at the company, every week we have virtual meetings with entrepreneurs and persons who are excelling in their chosen fields.

It is an incredibly rewarding experience, especially the fact that it is virtual. I am able to work full time and still be a part of this year’s internship.

What are you studying and why?

I have chosen to study Marketing because I would like to work in the creative field, and run my own business. It is a lot more interesting than a regular business degree and would be the perfect blend between the business aspect of my business and the creative aspect. This would allow me to run my business successfully.

I would like to be an Interior Designer. I enjoy art, graphic design, crafts, DIY projects, and videography. All of these will help me in my pursuit of becoming an interior designer.

We enjoy chatting about communities a lot and we would be keen to know what you think you would like to do with regards to your community and interests?

Currently I work alongside my NGO, Rotaract Club of Tobago to execute community projects. However, how awesome would it be to one day say that I make people’s lives better and more organized through a well designed space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

What advice would you share to other interns about doing a volunteer internship over the vacation holidays?

Go for it 100%. I have learnt so much without sacrificing the traditional relaxation and leisure time of the July/August vacation holidays. However you have to be organized, so ensure you make note of due dates and set reminders for meetings etc. This is all made easy now with scheduling options and apps that you can download on your devices.

Lastly, just do your best!

Guyana’s developing energy industry has led to numerous opportunities for businesses, investments and prospective job seekers. With CRS establishing operations and partnerships in Guyana, General Manager, Mariska Seereeram shared her insights on this development.

She discussed how CRS can provide recruitment and talent management support to local and international businesses entering Guyana.

CRS focuses on talent management

CRS specialises in recruiting in the I.T. and technical field and this is a key service offered to firms in Guyana’s energy sector. CRS General Manager noted,

“The focus is on talent management solutions. Partnering with or assisting local businesses with their business objectives, strategies and understanding how we can assist them. Whether it be sourcing, full cycle recruitment or part of that function, training, interviewing process, on-boarding and even psychometric assessment.”

There are many ways in which CRS can provide support to firms in Guyana. Seereeram shared, “Recruitment is our core service but we support local businesses by providing solutions to problems beforehand. As a recruiter, providing advisory skills is key in recruitment. Keeping firms informed about ongoing developments in Guyana and how can this affect their business are some of the ways we can also lend assistance.”

With companies such as ExxonMobil in Guyana and recent discoveries of oil and gas in Suriname, CRS had the foresight to set up offices in Guyana.  This facilitation will assist firms and build strong relationships.

The need for talent management solutions is evident and when implemented strategically can align with the organization’s objectives and goals. Sourcing talent for various functions in engineering and I.T. are some of the areas CRS discovered is in most demand.

CRS is ready to partner with those companies and manage their recruiting needs.  This agency is also able to partner with other recruiting firms in Guyana to assist with those projects.

Attracting the best technical talent

The recruitment agency also lends support in talent acquisition which allows firms to acquire exceptional and skilled professionals in their respective departments. To note, attracting talent and aligning them with a company that is suitable and the right fit is also of importance. For example, a specialized engineer with specific skills is hard to find. CRS works with companies to develop attractive packages. Thus, compensation is an important course of action to recognize, reward employees and their contributions.  This acknowledges their value to the organization.

Innovation is key during COVID-19

It is clear that recruitment is an ongoing process and that it is evolving. Even in this unprecedented time, Mariska shared that COVID-19 has not stopped recruitment. It has forced companies to be innovative and adjust to this new normal. She stated, “In terms of COVID-19 we have been able to adapt.

Communication between client and candidate has become crucial during this time. The realisation is that businesses, employers and employees cannot do it alone. CRS is competent to recruit in the I.T. and technical field and can offer sound guidance in talent acquisition and compensation.

As firms chart their next quarters, CRS will be a wise resource to companies wishing to conduct business or employ people in Guyana.

To schedule a meeting, email

Author: Johanna Thomas


Energy Conference, 2020

This year’s Energy conference theme was ‘Shaping the Caribbean’s Energy Future’. Presentations from key players within the sector highlighted concerns and perspectives for strategic decisions.

While the future is bright regionally and globally, there are significant challenges with the Caribbean that needs to be addressed urgently.

The focus from keynote speakers this year at the conference were in the areas:

  1. Energy costs, also affected by technological innovations
  2. Climate changes – especially advocated by the youth
  3. Good local content policies and structures
  4. Upskilling  -continuous unlearning and learning, training in the use of technology to solve real world problems
  5. Moving towards a low carbon energy future
  6. Re-establishing the objectives of the Treaty of Chaguaramas in dealing with the issues around energy. Prime Minister Mottley expressed the need for the regional commitment amongst the sovereignty of the nations. Working towards the benefit of all, leveraging expertise.

Engaging Young Talent

The conference also highlighted those companies such as Shell, Atlantic and BHP who have demonstrated their creative approaches to engaging their young talent, harnessing the value that the millennials can bring to the table, especially in the time of digital transformation. Companies continue to demonstrate their continuous efforts and support in giving back to our local communities, which is so important in building a stronger society.

Our Chairman, Angela Lee Loy shared her perspective from the conference and her key takeaway for us as a tech recruitment firm in the Caribbean market was to continue to push boundaries and lead the way in connecting technical people to companies locally and internationally.

Caribbean Integration is needed

The address from the Hon. Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados particularly resonated with us. “She was brilliant on pushing the focus on Caribbean integration and supporting each other through collaboration. After all, we are all small nations but collectively we have greater bargaining power and able to leverage on each other’s strengths across the Caribbean region particularly when it comes to renewable energy,” said Angela.

Going forward, our General Manager Mariska Seereeram shared, “With the increased focus on renewable energy, stakeholders are focused on re-training and developing the digital skills required to transition through this change. This shift in focus is what CRS has pushed for the last five years in encouraging and sourcing talent in the tech sector. We continue to pitch to companies the top IT talent that join our database locally, regionally and internationally.”

View pictures and full address by Dr .the Hon. Keith Rowley at the conference here via the Energy Chamber

Our Chairman Angela Lee Loy shared a few perspectives as guest speaker to the opening ceremony of Trinidad and Tobago Association of Retired Persons (TTARP) 25th Anniversary today.  To celebrate their milestone, TTARP hosted a two day expo at Centre of Excellence, Macoya.

“We must not underestimate the power and influence of those approaching and in retirement. Many executives are now rethinking what it means to retire” she said.

One of her key points was the contribution retirees make to society in areas such as charitable work with NGOs in mentorship and the time they can give. Another important aspect was their voluntary work and care to their grandchildren. This is crucial for parents, saving the family economy. She highlighted professionals who have retired are making great strides in our country’s development as they offer advisory services and expertise in various industries.

Above all, wisdom comes with age and this age group is able to provide the emotional support and friendship to their networks. She encouraged the next generation to build an inclusive society and appealed to parents to continue to engage their kids to collaborate with elders.

From all of us at CRS, we wish the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Retired Persons a happy 25th anniversary!

The Human Resource Association of Trinidad and Tobago (HRMATT) held its annual HR conference on “Disruptive HR, Leading Your People Through Economic Contraction” at the Hyatt Regency in Port of Spain in July.

The conference had 4 sessions with key speakers such as Alana Beaubrun, HR Manager at Methanex Trinidad who discussed talent development in challenging times. Alana demonstrated various ways to develop talent at zero cost. One way to develop talent was to allow employees cross functional acting opportunities.

Other areas discussed were people management playing an integral part of businesses’ ability to deliver goods and services to their clients. Effective people management is key to business performance. HR Managers must inform business  strategy by working closely with CEO’s / MD’s to achieve improved business performance,  efficiency and profitability. Especially in the current economic climate.

Another key aspect in these times, is HR practitioners ability to display high levels of emotional intelligence. Businesses can perhaps start employee engagement within the HR team before moving to other areas of the business.

Other key speakers were Richard Dick Soloman on “Redesigning the Organisation for Longevity”, L. Anthony Watkins on “Reframing Engagement” and Francis Wade who spoke about “How to develop an Assertive Blueprint to rescue your company’s productivity.”


This month, our free business series will be covering IT Security for your business: How to be cost conscious yet protective of your company data.

Join us: 

June 27th

10am – 11am

Board Room, Aegis Business Solutions

Corner Hosein Drive and Southern Main Road, Chase Village

View Aegis location


We continue to offer added value to businesses in Trinidad and Tobago in technical recruitment and IT support across industries. CRS offers SMEs the option to gain access to IT support needed for their business by offering IT and design freelancers when needed. Our CRS biz series aims to offer free business advice in technical areas that support business growth and sustainability. Contact us today!