Tag Archives: Management

Training and development of staff is key.

CRS General Manager, Mariska Seereeram shares why companies must support staff with continuous skills development and training because even technical staff with relevant skills need to retrain for this changing world of work.   

Technical Training   

CRS specializes in recruiting job specific roles in Information Technology, Energy and Technical positions. Candidates in technical positions undergo significant training due to their job being very role centered in nature such as Business Analysts, business, sales and technology roles but not much is done to develop their soft skills.   

Delegate responsibility in projects  

Providing an opportunity for hands on experience is the best way to learn on the job. This can be done via “shadowing” whereby the potential managerial candidate spends a few hours a day with a well-informed person in their field. Invaluable insight will be gained from the day-to-day experience.  Also, a potential managerial candidate must be able to delegate or assign responsibility to a person to carry out a specific task. Delegation is one of the most important time management strategies for a manager. So, to delegate effectively as a manager, you need to a have a comprehensive to-do-list of all your tasks. Next, you will assign responsibility of a particular task based on the team, their area of expertise and willingness to do the task. Allowing a potential managerial candidate to team lead a project will provide the hands-on experience she/he needs.  

Identify the gaps in management and training  

It is important to conduct performance reviews with your employees and review the job description so that you can communicate their strengths and weaknesses and offer training where needed.  

For soft skills training, it can include:  

  • Communication Skills (Written and Verbal) 
  • Business Writing Skills  
  • Time Management Training  
  • Critical Thinking  
  • Problem Solving Skills  
  • Presentation Skills and Public Speaking  
  • Conflict Resolution  

Pairing staff with mentors in the organization  

This concept is well known across large organisations and there is no reason why small businesses cannot adopt the same concept. Ensure you are in continuous conversations with your employees so you can understand their goals and see how it fits the needs of your organization.  You may notice a particular strength in them or a skill gap that you wish to improve. Pairing them with a leader or manager in the organization is a key learning opportunity for them to hone their skills. Not to mention a networking opportunity, often across functions. This is key to the success and sustainability of your business as employees are able to learn across functions and meet leaders in the business.  

Mentorship is a relationship between the mentor and mentee. This process works when both parties want it be successful and are committed. A mentor will aid in your personal and professional growth and help guide you through your career journey. Mentors are connectors which leads to opportunities.  

Benefits of Mentorship 

  • Having access to a senior role model in your chosen field 
  • Help you identify the current gaps and strengths in skills and knowledge and correct them 
  • Personal and professional development for the mentee in terms of self-esteem and confidence 
  • Help you to develop Communication and Interpersonal skills  
  • Gaining insight and a border perspective on career options and opportunities  
  • Networking  

Adaptability is the key to success for any potential managerial candidate. Thus, the right balance of technical and soft skills training will position managers for tomorrow’s demands.  

CRS can assist businesses in the soft skills and professional development training of their staff. Book a session with Mariska at mariska@crsrecruitment.co.tt to chat about your needs. 

Author: Johanna Thomas

For employees, it is important to understand the key aspects of management, leadership and the job at hand. 

      What are your responsibilities and the skills needed in your capacity as manager?   

      Do I understand my role? 

In this new managerial position, employees should take the time to get a clearer picture of the key components required to be successful in their new role.  Time must also be spent in the managerial role doing the job in order to learn and gain hands-on experience.   

Pairing with a mentor 

Leaders should encourage employees to pair up with someone who has made the transition into management. Employees can shadow a colleague or someone they admire currently in a managerial position. A mentor can provide insight into the challenges of being a manager and how to overcome them. 

Technical people need soft skills 

Soft skills are essential for a person in a managerial role, as they influence how you work and interact with others.  As employees acquire these skills, it will lead to their personal growth and development enabling them to thrive in their new position.   

Here are some soft skills to focus on: 

  • Interpersonal Skills – These skills give managers the ability to communicate, work, interact and relate effectively with people. This will lead to an open and welcoming work environment for staff.
  •  Communication skills – Being an effective communicator will allow new managers to engage and collaborate with staff who was once their colleagues previously.  Exploring what is the best way to communicate both verbally and in written as a new manager is important.
  • Time Management – This can have a profound effect on the new role and the team. Creating schedules, sticking to deadlines and completing tasks or projects shows new managers their dependability and efficient use of time.
  • Creativity and Innovation – To stay ahead of the curve, newly appointed managers should be at the forefront of creativity and innovation. It is important to encourage and enable collaboration amongst staff, tapping into their creativity and input.  
  • Problem Solving – Managers who are problem solvers are an asset to any company. Newly appointed managers will need to be quick on their feet and offer solutions to problems in a productive manner. 

Making that move into management is not an easy road, but those who are willing to undertake this exploration will excel in their new role and strengthen by their drive to succeed. 

CRS can assist businesses in up-skilling or re-skilling their staff for the transition to management. Need help in preparing your technical staff for managerial roles? Book a session with Mariska at mariska@crsrecruitment.co.tt 


Author:  Johanna Thomas